Workshop Codes of Behaviour

  1. Participants will be under the supervision of workshop director and staff at all times.
  2. Participants are to be on time to all workshop days.
  3. Participants must listen to and obey instructors, with regard to the workshop, rehearsals, performances and particularly to all safety and emergency requirements.
  4. Participants must notify the director if they have a need to leave the workshop / theatre at any time. Parent/guardian permission must be presented.
  5. Participants must wear appropriate clothing at all times during the program. They may not wear t-shirts or other items which display crude or suggestive comments, or are inappropriately revealing, unclean or unsafe for working in.
  6. It is expected that participants will at all times be friendly, cooperative, courteous and under no circumstances swear or use inappropriate language.
  7. It is expected that participants will follow all workshop rules and try to set standards of highly professional behaviour.
  8. Participants will treat all other workshop participants as they like to be treated. Participants will not bully or take unfair advantage of another participant.
  9. No bullying is permitted of any kind, including cyber bullying. This will result in termination of enrolment.
  10. Participants must not enter theatre locations that are out of bounds.
  11. Participants must respect every person at the workshop and cooperate with staff at all times
  12. Participants will not touch props, equipment belonging to the theatre.
  13. Mobile phones are not permitted during the workshop classes.
  14. Students are not to take photos or film during the workshop. As uploading to social media is not permitted.
  15. Contact of parents to students  and visa versa is to be made via the workshop Director.

PDF copy of Codes of Behaviour also available for download.

Download Code of Behaviour PDF

    Participant Information



    Street Address


    State / Province / Region

    ZIP / Postal Code

    Parent / Guardian Information

    Address - If different address to particpant

    Street Address


    State / Province / Region

    ZIP / Postal Code

    Emergency Contact

    Please indicate someone other than parent/guardian to be contacted in the event of an illness or emergency if necessary.

    Street Address


    State / Province / Region

    ZIP / Postal Code

    Parent / Guardian Consent

    Who is authorised to collect your child from the workshop?

    If not parent/guardian shown above.

    Participant agrees to Workshop Codes of Behaviour
